How Much Does It Cost To Install a Stairlift?

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Cost to Install a Stairlift




1A straight, second-hand one fitted…
2A new one fitted costs
3One fitted around a bend costs
4They can also be hired

Here’s a very brief rundown of what I’ve just googled.
It seems you can have a straight second-hand one fitted for about £1000.00
A new one costs about £1600.00

One fitted around a bend costs about £3000.00.

They can also be hired.

We think Stannah is the word you are looking for…

This might come as a surprise but we don’t know any more about stair lifts than you do, certainly none of us has ever fitted one! 

We’ve all messed about on one of course when we had to go round for Sunday tea at aunty Enid’s house, before we sat round eating mandarin oranges and Battenburg, listening to the clock tick!

No, I’m afraid this is a job for “experts”, blokes who do it every day. You’ll probably find that the guarantee is only connived to be valid if the supplier fits it anyway. Any builder who fitted one would probably take as long to unpack it and try to read the instructions as a regular fitter would take to install the thing anyway.
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