How Much Does It Cost To Test and Inspect Electrics?

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Cost to Test and Inspect Electrics

Prices are based on a tradesman’s rate of £200 per day and a labourer if required at £100 per day. They include the cost of buying and collecting any materials, dumping any waste if necessary. The minimum price will usually be for a half day.

Information Sheet on Testing and Inspecting Electrics


1A sparks will turn up and tests your system. He will give you a comprehensive written breakdown of the state it’s in. You probably won’t understand it though! Ask him to quote for any remedial work, hopefully in writing. Say thanks very much then, just like any building job, get other quotes and make a qualified decision.
2To prepare, undercoat and gloss one interior panel door (including removing and replacing furniture)…per side

You are legally required to have your electric installation tested only when work is being undertaken on it.  However, NICEIC, the electrical contracting industry’s independent voluntary body, suggests we inspect and test our system every ten years. Most people probably don’t know this and may even ignore it if they do.

Faulty electrics will kill you faster than any other household “problem”, so an electrician should check them! Tomorrow may be too late!

Hopefully not, because as you are reading this, you have just become a “Let’s do it today person”!

This article is intended to be short but the subject isn’t. So at this point we recommend you read our comprehensive article on electrics, particularly the page on testing which you can see by clicking 
Copyright The Building Sheriff Ltd 2017