How Much Does It Cost To Bleed a Radiator?

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Cost to Bleed a Radiator


1Check your radiators, bleed the cold ones, re-pressurise the system.  Half a day

“Labour” at £175 a day (tradesman) £100 (labourer), includes incidental fixings etc. and tipping charges. “Materials” if mentioned, are larger things (a boiler) and stuff only you can choose (tiles etc).  Also VAT must be added all round.

Information Sheet on Bleeding Radiators

Radiators need “bleeding”, when for reasons you may never discover, air gets into them. This fills the top of the radiator and so only the bottom gets hot. After 6 weeks this begins to annoy you so you try to bleed it. This involves undoing the tiny valve at one end until the air rushes out. Then, just as you are starting to wonder what will happen next, you find out. A jet of super hot utterly filthy water flies out all over your wallpaper and cream carpet. You panic, try to turn the valve off and it comes off in your hand. They find you in the morning a scalded gibbering idiot, your central heating system half empty and your life in ruins and your wife is on the train to her mother’s.

Even if you manage to stop the valve, do you know how to re-pressurise the system.

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