Loft Conversion Estimator/Price Guide
1. Terraced House Loft Conversion
25m² existing first floor area
(A totally empty loft converted to one bedroom only, utilising all available loft space. This basic conversion accounts for…….
All professional fees
A straight stair (over existing or from a bedroom) with top landing and door.
2 velux windows
A wooden floor (no steel required)
Insulation all round including the hidden loft space
A ceiling hung from the rafters, with no horizontal area
Two low stud walls with no access hatches
Plastering all round (inc. both party walls)
Skirtings, architraving and door furniture
1 radiator
4 electrical sockets
4 recessed lights with 2 switches
Smoke alarms and heat alarm to loft, first and ground floors
Rubbish removal
£24,000 (for larger areas add £500 per square metre)
2. Hipped roof Semi Detached House Loft Conversion
45m² existing first floor area
Same basic conversion as the terraced house…….£31,000
(for different areas add/remove £500 per square metre)
3. Hipped roof Detached House Loft Conversion
65m² existing first floor area
Same basic conversion as the terraced house……£35,500
(for different areas add/remove £500 per square metre)
4. Hipped roof Semi Detached Bungalow Loft Conversion
50m² existing floor area
Same basic conversion as the terraced house, minus smoke alarms, landing and top door…£31,500
(for different areas add/remove £500 per square metre)
5. Hipped roof Detached Bungalow Loft Conversion
80m² existing floor area
Same basic conversion as the terraced house, minus smoke alarms, landing and top door…£38,000
(for different areas add/remove £500 per square metre)
Additional Work / Extras
(The following additional work is to be added to each of the 5 basic prices already given, so select the type of house, adjust the area price, then add the options below as required).
Remove internal roof trusses and fit steel beams etc. to support the remaining structure…….£10,000
Fit a pitched roof, dormer window on the hipped side roof pitch to accommodate a new landing. (Planning won’t usually allow a flat roofed dormer on the hipped, side roof pitch).
1.5 metres wide…..£3,500
3 metres wide …..£6,500
Completely remove the hipped end and construct a rendered gable end…….£8,000
(this will also require planning permission)
Move the existing water and central heating tanks to the side of the loft with an access hatch ………£1650
Remove the water tanks altogether……..£400
(this doesn’t include redesigning the heating and domestic water supply systems)
Fit 2 storage access hatches……..£200
Fit a small “collared” ceiling……..£600
Fit a full ceiling where possible…….£1050
Fit a single winder stair………£100
Fit a double winder stair……….£200
Create a corridor for a stair fitted in a bedroom……..£650
Fit an extra (normal) velux window……..£600
Fit a flat roof dormer (probably to the rear elevation)
1.5 metres wide….. £3,000
3 metres wide…….£6,000
Fit steel beams to support the floor…….£2,500
Fit a steel beam to support the ridge…….£2,500
Fit a basic en suite bathroom (shower, basin, toilet, fan, basic tiling)……£4,500
Fit a second bedroom……….£1200
Fat a extra radiator………£350
Fit extra electrical sockets…….£50 each
Fit extra recessed lights……….£40 each
Paint all round (emulsion to walls, gloss to door, banisters etc)……….£1000
Fit carpets including the stairs…….£550
Copyright The Building Sheriff Ltd 2019