How Much Does It Cost To Fit/Replace a Mains Stopcock?

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Cost to Fit a Mains Stopcock


1Let’s assume its accessible (he can work on it easily) but just seized up and the pipework is steel. 1 man half a day, inc. materials.
2Let’s assume he has to remove and replace a kitchen cupboard which you empty. 1 day + materials.
3You want it moved to another part of the kitchen, (leave the old one alone in this case). Let’s assume he will need to remove a cupboard, take the carpet and some boards up and put them all back again. 1.5 days plus materials.

“Labour” at £175 a day (tradesman) £100 (labourer), includes incidental fixings etc. and tipping charges. “Materials” if mentioned, are larger things (a boiler) and stuff only you can choose (tiles etc).  Also VAT must be added all round.

Information Sheet on Fitting a Stop Cock

99 times out of 100 there’s only one Mains Stop Cock per household, it’s usually in some inaccessible place under the 
kitchen sink and you never go near it.

The problem is, when you do want to turn it off it’s because you’re in trouble. When you are in trouble you are at the mercy of the 
plumber and he charges an arm and a leg when he’s feeling benevolent!

Do yourself a favour. See if yours is accessible and working. If it’s not, get it moved / replaced at a time when you are in charge and not the plumber.

If you need a new one it’s because the existing one is seized. If it’s seized it’s because it’s old. If it’s old it’s probably an “in line” affair on mild steel or even lead pipework. Bother!

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