How Much Does It Cost To Fit/Replace a Three Way Valve?

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Cost to Fit a Three Way Valve

To change a valve motor will take a leisurely hour, so including buying the motor (£65) he will probably charge for half a day…
To change the whole valve, will mean draining down, so definitely half a day including the valve cost (£100)…
“Labour” at £175 a day (tradesman) £100 (labourer), includes incidental fixings etc. and tipping charges. “Materials” if mentioned, are larger things (a boiler) and stuff only you can choose (tiles etc).  Also VAT must be added all round.

Information Sheet on Fitting/Replacing a Three Way/ Motorised Valve

You may have seen these but the chances are you don’t know what they do. They may be “three way” (connected to three pipes) or “two way” (you guessed it!). They are integral with the
central heating pipework and have either a plastic or metal box about the size of a baking potato on the top of them with a cable coming out of it. Depending on their design, their job is to either stop, or divert, the hot central heating water, so you get… just heating,…. just hot water…… or both!

They operate automatically, usually on instruction from a thermostat.

When they “go” it doesn’t always stop the whole central heating
 system working but you will soon notice that things aren’t operating as they should be.

Now, there are two parts to these valves, the bit on the top is the electric motor, it can be changed very easily. The bit around the pipe is the mechanical valve and to change this, the whole thing has to be removed and that usually means the system has to be 
drained down.
Copyright The Building Sheriff Ltd 2017